Thursday, May 15, 2008


In the light of recent events (owing in no small part to the fact that XML is no longer a mystery to me) the blog has been reinstated.

I can’t really explain the hiatus. I can actually. But I am tired. So very tired.

Hello again to everyone, and thanks so much for urging me to blog.

There is one thing, though: I had to sacrifice my links. So if you’d give me the honor of adding you to my friends list, do message me.

By the way, nothing much has changed. For those of you who have steadfastly been my friend all this while, I am still the same old, same old.

Except some. But that’s another story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww, izzums tired-sie boo. does izzums want restie?

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't tell me... *sulk*
Anyway, glad to see you back!


1:29 AM  

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